Thursday, November 18, 2010

I had fallen asleep on your floor after working the 12-9 shift

You were sitting with a guitar pressed between your chest and legs,
Just strumming lightly, playing no particular tune.
There was someone in the room too, a friend.
I had awoken a few minutes earlier, but pretended to still be asleep.
The friend mentioned something about my sleeping,
and you said, "She works so hard, she has so much she's doing"

I remember that for some reason, because I'm not sure if you knew I was awake,
or if you were speaking genuinely, but I like to believe you were speaking genuinely.
I remember the oddest things, It was so long ago. 6 years now?

It felt like it was my first and only time that I was able to listen to a conversation about me when I wasn't around.
The social interaction of speaking about me when you thought I was asleep.
Maybe I needed to hear that I worked hard.

There are very few memories of those years,
mostly because I've been swallowed whole by my absent-mind.
but i'm glad that there a few fond ones left.

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