Monday, November 1, 2010

I call this mature content but immaturely written therapy

See, Ive got it figured out,
while i wasn't looking you opened a hole in the back of my head and you climbed right in. you nested, you hatched eggs. you festered, you spread your legs. you made so many children; playing havoc on my brain. I don't even know this face, i don't feel sane.
you just walked right in, you took it all over, you bent me over like a bitch and fucked me once over. I have to ask you to leave, this isn't right, not your party; not tonight.
I am divorcing my mind from my soul, my heart has no power now,
she's paid her toll.
andspice, (he-never-gets-old).

A cactus with all it's thorns,
these scratches are your last
No more numb skin,
black eyes seeing dim.
This party is too long,
many ways to skin a cat,
but this way has gone wrong.

I'm so so so done.
I was over it yesterday.
getting you to leave isn't easy,
but i've cut off your supply
I'm watching you suffer
I'm waiting, please die.


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