Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The New Year

So the New Year is on its way, and i am starting it off with great enthusiasm, trying to keep myself positive.

Ive got many things to look forward to this semester at school, ive made a few friends and they are gems; real keepers.

I am planning to finally move closer to school and take my career seriously, I need a change like that to propel myself forward. Daly City will be a completely new environment and ill have one of my good friends to live with and bond with, so I'm excited :)

I'm going to keep running in the mornings, it makes me feel completely refreshed and ready for the day (i just need to get my dog trained better so she doesn't keep stopping and smelling EVERYTHING!)

Overall I am hoping with all the plans I've got rolling around in my head i can get them all out and accomplished and maybe this can be the year that i finally quit working for other people and start working for myself :)

And New Years Resolutions aren't my style, so ill be skipping that tradition this year. Gots'ta keep it real, yo'!!


Friday, December 26, 2008

what i learned this christmas

so this christmas was small, i got some pajama pants and socks from my parents. i already knew it would be a small christmas, my mom warned us, but i still felt disappointed when i opened my gifts and i felt reall bad that i was being that greedy. i am seeing things in a different pecpective and understanding that this christmas especially many people are having financial troubles and i should just enjoy my time with my family and not be such a grinch.

pesky teeth

so my wisdom teeth got pulled this morning and at first i was worried b/c when i came home there was ALOT of blood...its been a few hours and im finally eating mashed potatos! yes! my fav!

last minute presents

heres the lovely tree in front of delta college, on my way home from christmas shopping. it was insane, lots of people shopping and many in panic, but i got in and got out and achieved in finishing my shopping...woo!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

did you notice...

im posting a lot more? i realized i can post text through text messages not just photos, so i guess its easier. i just got done with my color photo final...and it went alright i liked my pictures. my teacher is pretty cool, although hes a smart ass, i have him again next semester. tomorrow i have my photoshop final and i still havent finished my images, so it looks like another late night...


so i finished the painting this morning and raced to sf, i still have to finish my color photo project, so i have to lug my laptop around... but the 5 hr. energy worked pretty good i stayed up past two then slept til 6 and finished the work. ah, finals are almost over....

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

so its finals week

and i just drank one of those 5 hour energy's, ill see how it works. right now i feel really focused...we'll see if it stays that way

final projects in progress

so here is the mandala project thus far, i have to finish it for tomorrows class, i also have to finish my photo project and photoshop homework... woah this is going to be a lonnngggg night

Thursday, December 11, 2008

my camera battery died

in the middle of a shoot! gah!

the time for giving

but i think this year itll have to be cheap...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

a hazy weekend w/jude

we ate some food, drank, spoke about things we were passionate about. we are both surprised at how much we have in common, especially our passion for the latin culture. its was a good weekend :-)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Friday, July 11, 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008


is the only thing you ever seem to have

Sunday, June 15, 2008

a night...

just like any other.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008

Multimedia message

shopping with my mother and Aunt is always an interesting journey, they love to shop and i love to shop as well so it usually works out ok, but with our generational gap they love looking through the racks in gottschalks and sears, and by looking i mean examining EVERY piece in the rack. Its ok though i just take it slow and enjoy their company because against popular belief, i actually like them.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

magnum photographers!

One day i hope that i can be a part of Magnum. or, asked to join and reject the invitation! ha! either way, the elite photojournalists are a part of Magnum.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Thursday, May 8, 2008

cafe bean! yay :-D

Chester asked when i'd be back, we'll see if he still knows my order by heart!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

just another day at school

schools almost out and Im beginning to get a little sentimental about everything. This summer ill have classes with my closest friends and of course the mexico workshop is coming up too, but im still just sad in this moment.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Thursday, April 24, 2008

gilbert & george exibit today

it was thought provoking. i really enjoyed it

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


so today at school Emilio my B&W teacher said some interesting things about being a photographer. like if you only have 20 dollars you buy 3 rolls of film and a bunch of ramen to hold you off til money comes around again. he said thats the way he lives. It makes me wish i was as dedicated as him.

however, i went to buy film today and $60 later i had 10 rolls of film to start on my final project. I havent put any of my work here because i just havent had the time to scan all of the pictures in, but i am going to do it really soon because id like to have them on the web.

Other than school, life is pretty good just trying to keep up on my sleep in between working and school and taking pictures.

Carly at the Tracy animal shelter. so cute.

Pepper playing at the Fat Cat, fun show!

Bart parking lot, oh how i hate you bart!

Monday, March 24, 2008

oh and i wanted to post this here because one of my teachers told me about this
Man Ray Film that was shown in theaters in 1926 and many of the people that watched it ran out sick because the movie had so many fast moving parts to it. i thought it was funny, not the movie, but the story surrounding the movie.
i know, i have a bad sense of humour, but watch it and see if you feel sick!

spring break

spring break ends and tomorrow i have to be at Photo class at 8:30am....ugh! its soo early!
i also have midterms...
but its ok i loooove my Black and white photo class!

So for easter i was "Mrs. Easter Bunny" at Savemart, and i was tackled by hundreds of children! ill have to post some of the photos here, we didn't expect nearly as many children and we were ambushed, but it was alot of fun. We stuffed 970 plastic eggs, and we were surprised when some children didn't get any eggs at all!

well, ive got to get off to bed, tomorrow is going to be a busy one.

Friday, March 21, 2008

im excited so i had to show someone!

i had to post a picture of my new HST shirt, yay!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Secret Little Photos

Taken in the Montgomery St. BART station, every time i go up that escalator im blinded by the light, it always looks so beautiful.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Multimedia message

school has been going pretty good so far, i developed photographs in the darkroom yesterday. ill display them here soon.

Monday, February 18, 2008

film developing: ghetto style

School has been busy.
non-stop photographer mind-frame.
I AM a photographer, aint nothin wrong with it either.
Camera fixed around my neck, constant shutter snaps, i want to catch life.
I realize now how much of a crime it has been that i haven't always carried my camera around.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

"there lie they, and here lie we"

What is there to say...
without music and a book, i'm not sure how i'd survive it.
Its an urban jungle, a serious fight.
I like to stare at the interesting folks, if only i have the guts to grab out my camera and snap a photo of an interesting person.

school is amazing.
i quit taking the shuttle, i realized that class was only a 20 minute walk, so i decided to just start walking. whats the point when i can soak in the city and get to class at the same time?
i love walking actually, its been really nice to see the faces as i walk, its so different but beautiful. i enjoy it.

my class sizes still remain super low, about 6 people in my concepts class, 10 in my B&W class, and then 20 in my digital class... those class sizes are super small compared to Delta. All three of the teachers have had really refreshing personal conversations with me and i feel like they are all going to provide me with something that i will use in the future.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Interesting times

Its been some interesting times.
started school... I'm officially an Urban Knight.

schools pretty normal, oh, well, besides the shuttle ride to my next classes and that the class sizes have been refreshingly small.
the instructors seem cool so far, we'll see how that goes.

so I've been listening to Pandora a lot on my Laptop, and i was listening to a hip-hop channel, and this song came on and i thought it sounded alright, then i saw the video, and i started laughing...
it was just so, 80's.... common' you know what I'm talking about right??

I think this year is going to turn out to be alright.

Friday, January 18, 2008

moving mountains...

...of paperwork! but im feeling accomplished.