Tuesday, August 3, 2010

You're a mountain I wish to climb.
I'm black and white, You're color.
I can see the contrast, the depth...
A long road.
We both want to touch each other's bodies,
like some sort of curious masturbation
A tendency to walk in opposite directions.

you're heading away; soon it will be time to fly.
you're heading into the darkened horizon,
drinking hard liquor, and piercing your skin with ink.
beautiful pictures across the skin's landscape,
touching each line and soaking in the colors.
Trying to grasp each hue, an odd feeling as it enters the eye.
It quietly tells me that there is not a chance in hell,

"In who's hell?" I say out loud to myself while I push it into 4th,
I've gone a little mad again, pissed actually.
pissing drunk, far too many times, standing at the alter of regret,
and asking questions that paranoia keeps transcribing to me,
She's a fucking quack that paranoia, makes the brain turn to mush.

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