Saturday, February 21, 2009

My mom and i went furniture shopping

I always find wierd interesting things when im out of town, and i found a really cool garage and fenced area with all sorts of old cars.
i wanted to photograph the inside but a man was in there. Inside were lines of old Porches and other cars, it was crazy! I snapped a picture of an old mid-30's Ford truck in the back lot( the less cool cars were back there)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Inside Annie's Head

I just read a blog about the new issue of Vanity Fair and the photos that are featured in it are, of course, by Annie Leibovitz. She uses a style that includes the fake background as well as the background surrounded around where the people are standing...

i guess it's interesting, i think the people that in the photos are much more interesting than the actual style of the photos.

anyway, i thought they were worth seeing, they highlight all the stars of the movies from 2008.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Injuries sustained on BART

I'm not the most cautious person, anyone who has walked around downtown with me can tell you that i hardly ever look to see if traffic is coming, i just step haphazardly into the street. I run into people, poles, and any other random objects. If i wear shoe's with laces i trip on them, if there's gum on the ground, i step in it. (actually if there is any weird stuff on the ground, like dog shit, a squished banana, or something slippery, my shoe goes in it.)

So i wasn't surprised when i biffed it in the middle of the BART station while running UP the escalator. I actually propelled up two more steps and then landed right on my legs and palms.

I got up quickly, and kept running and jumped onto BART...only then did i realize i felt pain all over my body...

I was in school all day, and the only things i was sure of was my palms were purple and bruised and my legs were hurting all day.

When i got home i finally inspected, and i found that i had two huge bruises on the top of my shins, a raspberry on my left outer ankle, a slice on my lower right shin, and purplish bruise on my right ankle. A bruise on my ribs...(who the hell knows how that one happened)

and both my elbows and forearms have scattered bruises.

This all happened on Monday, 4 days later, and the bruises on my upper body are pretty much non-existent. My legs on the other hand, are still sore.

UGH, I should have know someone as clumsy as me shouldn't try scaling the escalator at high speeds.

Oh, another day in the life of Pam...