Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Interesting times

Its been some interesting times.
started school... I'm officially an Urban Knight.

schools pretty normal, oh, well, besides the shuttle ride to my next classes and that the class sizes have been refreshingly small.
the instructors seem cool so far, we'll see how that goes.

so I've been listening to Pandora a lot on my Laptop, and i was listening to a hip-hop channel, and this song came on and i thought it sounded alright, then i saw the video, and i started laughing...
it was just so, 80's.... common' you know what I'm talking about right??

I think this year is going to turn out to be alright.

Friday, January 18, 2008

moving mountains...

...of paperwork! but im feeling accomplished.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

how darling!


School is an extremely interesting journey, one that i am finding to be quite tretcherous.
but in the good words of Doc. Thompson, "Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride"

so, im just jumping in.

My classes are set for the Academy, im taking classes on Tues and Thurs
history of film, digital photography, photo history and concepts and Intro to photo.
i finally got my last loan, which i signed for BYMYSELF! (I want everyone to know that because its a very scary thought)

In other News, I am organizing my room....woo!

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